Available courses

The course examines philosophical assumptions and methodologies of major systems of theological hermeneutics in Christian history, major critical methodologies in biblical studies, and non-Western hermeneutics and marginalized interpretation. Through the lens of Lutheran theology, emphasis will be placed on interpreting Scripture within its historical, cultural, and theological contexts, while recognizing the centrality of Christ and the Gospel message. 

The course is an intensive study of the vocabulary and grammar of the Greek New Testament and some early Christian literature through translation of extensive portions of Koine text and the use of major New Testament grammatical works. 

Students begin their studies of the fundamentals of Greek grammar.

Site announcements


by Dr. Mark Schuler -

My name is Mark Schuler and I am professor emeritus of theology, Greek, and archaeology at Concordia University, Saint Paul.  As teaching and learning are life-long activities, I am building this site to offer tutorials in topics I taught at Concordia. I will always be a teacher, and I look forward to learning with you! Cordially in Christ!